
Grow Your Best Garden with These Ten Easy Vegetables

ten easy-to-grow vegetables for beginner gardeners.
Hey, I'm Far!

Have you ever wanted to grow a garden to feed yourself and eat locally sourced food then I’m your girl! Join me as I show you how to grow an edible garden, which by the way feeds my family for three seasons straight. Let’s reconnect with our kitchens and savor real foods celebrating home and locally grown vegetables. 

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Ten easy to grow vegetables for beginner gardeners image of a rainbow harvest basket full of veggies.

I started off with these ten easy vegetables the first year I ever grew any kind food in my 48 sq ft raised bed. It was fun and so exciting that summer to watch the garden grow beyond my wildest expectations! Whether you’re working with a spacious backyard or a few pots on your balcony, these veggies are perfect for beginners. They are not only low-maintenance but also quite rewarding when it comes to variety and ease. So, are you ready to kickstart your journey to a thriving garden? Let’s dig in!

Ten Easy to Grow Vegetables

1. Lettuce: A Quick Start for Fresh Salads

Lettuce is a great choice for beginners because it’s fast-growing and forgiving. You can start harvesting its leaves as soon as they’re large enough for your salads. Plus, there are various types to choose from, including leaf lettuce, romaine, and butterhead. They are also a cut and come again, so you’ll get a few harvests out of them!

2. Radishes: Ready in a Flash

If you’re looking for near-instant gratification, radishes are your go-to vegetable. They mature in as little as three weeks and add a delightful crunch to your salads.

3. Green Beans: Bush Variety for Simplicity

Green beans are perfect for beginners, especially the bush varieties. They don’t require trellising like pole beans, making them easy to manage.

4. Zucchini: Prolific and Low-Maintenance

Zucchini plants are prolific producers, and they’re relatively low-maintenance. Just be prepared for a bountiful harvest, as one or two plants can yield an abundance of these versatile vegetables.

5. Cherry Tomatoes: Gardeners Sweetheart

While tomatoes can be finicky, cherry tomato plants are often more forgiving for beginners. They produce small, sweet fruits that are perfect for snacking and salads.

6. Cucumbers: Vertical Growth for Space-Saving

Cucumbers love warmth and sunlight. They can be grown vertically to save space and make for great pickles or fresh additions to your summer dishes.

7. Peppers: Bell or Chili, Your Choice

Bell peppers and chili peppers are both relatively easy to grow, and they come in various colors and heat levels. Choose the variety that suits your taste.

8. Spinach: Cool-Season Favorite

Spinach thrives in cool weather, making it a fantastic choice for early spring or late fall gardening. Its tender leaves are a nutritious addition to your meals.

9. Carrots: Rooted in Simplicity

Carrots require loose soil and regular watering but are otherwise easy-to-grow. Direct sow and be sure to thin to about an inch or two apart (see garden glossary for terms).

10. Herbs: Flavorful and Forgiving

Consider adding herbs like basil, parsley and cilantro to your garden. They are not only easy to grow but also enhance the flavor of your dishes.

A graphic highlighting ten east to grow vegetables for beginner gardeners.

There you have it, a list of ten easy-to-grow vegetables that will help you get started in the garden. Something to remember, successful gardening requires more than just choosing the right vegetables. Water, sunlight and soil are key to ensuring a thriving vegetable garden. Once you get started, you will quickly notice that homegrown veggies taste incredibly delicious. Happy gardening!

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Hey, I'm Far. Your New Mom Friend
+ Garden Buddy.

I'm an organic gardener, home cook, mama of two littles, my hubby's soulmate, corporate girl turned small business owner, certified aromatherapist, plant-based skincare formulator, wellness cheerleader, road trip lover, and a true New Yorker. Phew, that's a mouthful, right? No boxes can contain all this passion! 

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Join me as I show you how to grow an edible garden. Let’s reconnect with our kitchens and savor real foods celebrating home and locally grown vegetables.

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