Welcome To My Kitchen Garden

How to grow, harvest and eat from your garden and local farms.

Have you ever wanted to grow a garden to feed yourself and eat locally sourced food then I’m your girl! Join me as I show you how to grow an edible garden, which by the way feeds my family for three seasons straight. Let’s reconnect with our kitchens and savor real foods celebrating home and locally grown vegetables. 


For the past decade, I’ve had this strong gut feeling that there’s got to be another way to do this thing called life. I'm here, with you, discovering this other path that nourishes our souls and inches us 2% closer to happiness each day. Over time, home gardening is this small practice that creates a big positive impact on our health. 

We know food is medicine. So I invite you to step into my backyard kitchen garden.
I started off knowing as much about gardening as a giraffe knows about tap dancing. Now I feed my family homegrown organic food for three seasons straight. And guess what? You can do the same! Stick around for the lessons, start a garden, and feel inspired as it brings you more joy than you thought possible!

Gardening's the secret ingredient to leveling up your dinner plate.

My mission is to help you grow, harvest and eat from your garden. Also to encourage you to eat locally when possible. You're in good hands here friend, I've got the proven playbook to guide you on this green adventure! 

What I do...

I'm an organic gardener, home cook, proud mama of two littles, my hubby's soulmate, corporate girl turned small business owner, certified aromatherapist, plant-based skincare formulator, wellness cheerleader, road trip lover, and a true New Yorker. Phew, that's a mouthful, right? No boxes can contain all this passion! 

Like a Good Story?! Here's Mine

Grab your garden gloves & lets go→

Would you like to have a freshly picked strawberry grown right outside your home? Or spot a sleepy bee in your pollinator garden? If that sounds lovely then I want you to  ditch the green thumb myths and join me in the joy of home gardening. You'll find me here, sharing tasty recipes and behind the scenes from my kitchen garden. Don't go at it solo, consider this a start to a beautiful friendship. 

The Blog

Start here:

Put on your garden boots & Go →

Want to know how this mama gardener thoughtfully curates a home that brings her family joy? These are my tried and true must-have essentials that add purpose and functionality to our life.

My Favorite Things


Are you ready to dig in and uncover these awesome secrets? I wish I had these tips back when I was starting out. But hey, you're in luck! You're about to snag my top five garden secrets in just a few minutes.! 

How to Supercharge Your Garden

Steal this!